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ACIE: Asociación de Comercializadores Independientes de Energía / Association of Independent Retailers

ACIE was founded in 1999 to represent the interests of independent energy suppliers in Spain within the framework of the liberalization of the electricity sector. Since 2012 it also represents independent suppliers’ interests within the natural gas businesses. Currently it is composed by 11 energy suppliers, representing around 9% of the electricity supplied in Spain and 4% of natural gas supply.

“The energy sector plays a key role in today’s society. Lets all work together in order to get equal opportunities for all European energy retailers Verónica Sabau, Secretary General of the Spanish Association of Independent Retailers (ACIE)

Association Française Indépendente de l’Electricité et du Gaz / French independent association for electricity and gas

AFIEG (French independent association for electricity and gas) represents French industries or subsidiaries located in France that are involved in the European electricity and gas sectors, i.e: Alpiq Energie France, BKW France, CELEST (operator of Pont-sur-Sambre and Toul CCGT), Endesa, Gazprom Energy, Uniper France and Vattenfall. AFIEG currently counts two associated members: Enovos and Energies Libres Grands Comptes with the aims of welcoming new members.

“Despite the progress that has been achieved in the past few years since the opening of the energy and gas markets, there is still a long way to go to an effective level-playing field in competition which will benefit the consumer. Moreover, in the context of energy transition, it is essential to have a European view and capacity of action on energy issues. As the representative of the main alternative players on the French electricity and gas market in volumes and revenues, we believe that it is important that our voice is also heard at the European level. This is why we have made the choice of joining EER.” Marc Boudier, President of the French independent association for electricity and gas (AFIEG)

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AIGET: Associazione Italiana di Grossisti di Energia e Trader / Italian Association of Energy Traders & Suppliers

Started in 2000, with the beginning of the liberalization of the Italian energy markets, AIGET represents and promotes the interests of the Italian and foreign entrants in the supply, trading & shipping of electricity, natural gas and related services & certificates. The main aims of the association are promoting competition, transparency and liquidity in the Italian energy markets and supporting the development and standardization of tradable energy products and contracts, including energy & weather derivatives.

“The European law framework for liberalized energy markets has triggered so far huge achievements for the environment, the level of service and the competition in our sector. Full implementation of those principles is still the key driver towards affordable and reliable energy to all customers.” Massimo Bello, President of the Italian Association of Energy Traders & Suppliers (AIGET)

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bne: Bundesverband Neue Energiewirtschaft e.V. / Association of Energy Market Innovators

bne represents the interests of grid-independent energy suppliers and energy service companies in Germany. Unlike suppliers with a connected grid, bne-members are free of monopoly interests: They are committed to fair competition and a diverse energy market.

“We need a clear separation of regulated and competitive business activities. Using the energy infrastructure as well as access to data and market information has to be based on comprehensible and transparent procedures and conditions.” Robert Busch, CEO of the German Association of Energy Market Innovators (bne)

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Oberoende Elhandlare / Independent Electricity Suppliers

Oberoende Elhandlare is a Swedish organization for retailers who actively hedge and trade, as well as for energy brokers who hedge on behalf of retailers, producers and end-users. The members are independent of the vertically integrated oligopoly firms that dominate the electricity market. The organization aims to safeguard the free market and create better conditions for competition, both at national, Nordic and European levels.

“With our work we aim to create more active customers, foster effective competition and support the goal of achieving a truly integrated Energy Union.” Eva Lendic Edlund, President of the Swedish Independent Electricity Retailers